Privacy Policy

Inner East Community Finance Limited (‘IECF’, ‘we’ or ‘our’) is committed to ensuring the privacy of its stakeholders is stored, protected and managed in a manner consistent with the Australian Privacy Principles (APP). This Privacy Policy sets out the manner in which IECF collect, use, disclose and manage personal information. From time to time, it may be necessary for IECF to review its Privacy Policy and the information contained in this document. We will notify you of any changes by posting an updated version on our Website.


We usually collect personal information directly from you.

IECF collects the following types of personal information:

  • Shareholder name, address, contact details, banking details, tax file number etc;
  • Community organisation management committee details such as committee contact information, membership data etc.
  • Contact details of people that attend functions or events conducted by IECF.
  • Photos, videos and other electronic records of events and functions that IECF attends.
  • Sometimes we collect or confirm this information from a third party. We will use reasonable efforts to obtain your consent to do this.

If you apply for shares in IECF, you will provide personal information to IECF and to IECF’s Share Registry.

Some of the information that will be collected by IECF is required pursuant to tax and corporations law. If you do not provide the information requested, your share application may not be able to be processed efficiently, or at all.

We do not collect any information regarding your personal banking with Bendigo Bank. The personal banking information of Bendigo Bank customers is subject to the Bendigo Bank Privacy Policy, which is available at

Use and Disclosure

IECF and/or the Share Registry collect, hold and use your personal information in order to:

  • assess and process your share application;
  • provide products, facilities and services which you may request;
  • assist you with queries or concerns;
  • facilitate the making of community investments in projects selected by IECF and to market products and services to the members of the community group;
  • collaborate with community groups in joint projects for the benefit of the community group, its members, the wider community or IECF;
  • comply with legal or regulatory obligations imposed on us; and
  • carry out appropriate administration of your investment.

To do these this, IECF may disclose your personal information to organisations that carry out functions on behalf of CASH such as mailing and printing houses, share registry, the National Stock Exchange, and Bendigo and Adelaide Bank. IECF does not disclose your personal information to overseas recipients.

Your information may also be used for the marketing of products, facilities or services offered or distributed by Bendigo or other matters concerning Bendigo generally that IECF or Bendigo thinks may be of interest to you. You agree that the contact details you provide to IECF (including any personal or home phone number) can be used by IECF and Bendigo indefinitely for these purposes. If you do not want your personal information to be used for this purpose, you should contact IECF and Bendigo on the contact details below.

Storage and Security

Our employees are authorised agents and are obliged to respect confidentiality. The personal information of shareholders is recorded by an external share registry provider and is accessible by the IECF secretary and public generally as a publicly listed Company.

IECF holds personal information of community groups on local computers. IECF may link the personal information of shareholders with the community groups it deals with and may link the personal information of any person to the banking information held by Bendigo Bank.

Our Website

We use our best efforts to ensure that information received via our Website remains secured within our systems. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be totally secure. We use cookies on our Website. If you do not want information collected through the use of cookies, you may be able to delete or reject cookies through your browser settings.

Access and Correction

Shareholders seeking access or corrections to personal information on the share register should contact our share registry at:
Boardroom Pty Limited
Phone: +61 2 9290 9600
Fax: +61 2 9279 0664

Privacy Concerns or Complaints
If you have any concerns or complaints about the treatment of your personal information by IECF you can contact the IECF’s Secretary on the contact details below. IECF will promptly investigate your complaint and notify you of the outcome. If you are still not satisfied, you can in some cases refer your complaint to the:
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3
Melbourne Vic 3001
Phone: 1800 931 678
Fax: 03 9613 6399

Contacting Us

If you have any further questions about our Privacy Policy, what personal information we may hold in relation to you or about the way we manage your personal information you can contact us as follows:
The Company Secretary
Steven Miller