Neil Dalrymple

Deputy Chair

Neil was appointed as a Director in July 2023. Neil has an inclusive and pragmatic approach to sports administration; he is strongly committed to organisational transparency and good corporate governance and has been highly successful in his endeavours within Australian sport for nearly three decades. He is currently the CEO of World Bowls and has previously been the CEO of Bowls Australia, NT Cricket and Softball Australia. Neil has an excellent understanding of and strong commitment to the myriad health and wellbeing benefits engagement with sport has for all Australians, regardless of gender, background or ability.

Executive Assistant:
Alyssa Hennessy
m: 0413 504 964

Our Team

Nick Coker

CEO/Executive Director

Maggie Stamoulis

Senior Manager

Jatin Awad

Senior Business Development Manager

Phil Tan

Business Development Manager

Bob Stensholt


Aaron Knott

Business Development Manager

Juliann Byron


Coral Ross


Anna Gration

Marketing Manager

Ian Dinnison


Steve Miller

Company Secretary

Claude Di Donato

Business Development Manager